About Grace Baptist Church
We are a body of believers who come together on a regular basis for the preaching of God’s word and the fellowship of believers.
Grace is an evangelical Christian church.
By evangelical, we mean we proclaim the timeless message of the Gospel–that Christ alone can provide salvation and forgiveness to all who believe. This is a core belief and means our mission is primarily spiritual, not social. By Christian, we mean we believe and emphasize the historical faith relating to Christ and described in the New Testament.
Grace is an independent, fundamental church.
By independent, we mean we are not a member of any particular denominational convention or association. Our doctrine and practices are not dictated to us by any outside organization. We conduct our own business, call our own pastors and answer only to Christ and the congregation. By fundamental, we mean we not only hold to the basic doctrines of the Bible, but we also believe the Scriptures to be our authority. This affects both our church associations and personal lifestyles.
Grace is a Baptist church.
By Baptist, we mean that we have chosen to identify with early Christians who placed a high regard on the authority of the Bible, versus the authority of the state church. Originally, this involved the practice of only baptizing (hence, the label Baptist) those who were old enough to understand their decision to follow Christ.
Grace is a small, traditional church.
Because our attendance is less than 100, we provide a comfortable atmosphere of friendly community versus mega-church isolation. Without a large staff and big budgets, each member is needed to participate in the work of the ministry. We care for one another, serve one another and share the burdens and joys of one another. By traditional, we mean that our services are characterized by a Bible emphasis versus an entertainment emphasis. The message is the focal point of what we do, and the music (a combination of familiar hymns and new melodies) is conservative in nature. To promote understanding, we use a combination of trustworthy modern translations of the Bible.