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Stewardship as a lifestyle


The Bible describes believers as “stewards” and managers of someone else’s possessions.  That “someone else” is actually God Himself.  He gives us all we receive, and we have nothing that was not first entrusted to us.  All that we have or hope to have comes from Him.  We joyfully and sacrificially give, keeping in mind God’s wonderful gifts to us.

How do I give?


Here at Grace Baptist there are several safe and secure methods of giving our tithes and offerings.


  • Sunday worship: Simply place cash or checks into the offering box in back.  If giving cash and you wish to have it included on your giving report at year end, be sure to use a giving envelope and provide your name. 


  • Through your bank: Simply add our church to your Bill Pay page and give any amount exactly like you would pay a bill.  You can tell your bank to give a recurring gift every week or month, or you can give a one-time gift.  This is a safe and secure way to donate.  This option helps individuals and families remain faithful in their giving even when they are out of town or unable to attend a weekend service.


  • By mail: Mail your donation to Grace Baptist Church at 19765 Grace Way, Sonora, CA 95370.  Please do not send cash.

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